
In the Hindu Zodiac Sign, the 7th is Tula Rashi ( Libra) which represents balance. As the symbol represents the Tula born has two sides to his personality.


Tula Rashi’s people have long-neck, sensitive, V-shaped chins, chubby cheeks, and dimples. They are cool and calm, and they have lots of charm and compassion.


They are sensitive, curious, charming, and easily mixing with people around are their qualities. As they are very balanced, therefore are much sought after for practical solutions. They are very helpful to others but sometimes they are extremely insensitive to the pains of others.


They give importance to find the correct partner, they accept in exchange for responsibilities from the partner. They try their best to keep their partner satisfied through conversation and lovemaking.


Tula Rashi’s people rarely have health issues, as they do regular exercising. They easily get frustrated which causes health problems. To guard their health should have a balanced diet and drink lots of water.


All kinds of work that increase intellect appeal will definitely love to choose that kind of career. These Rashi people are well suited as judges, public relations consultants, diplomats, psychologists, and artists.


As the symbol of Tula Rashi shows the balance scale, these Rashi people usually struggle to make decisions as they are prone to change at the last minute. As these Rashi people like to make friends, to keep everyone happy it will be difficult for them to say no, as a result, they end up stressing themselves.

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