
Pitru Dosha, also known as Pitra Dosha or Pitru Shaap, is a concept in Vedic astrology that is believed to be associated with ancestral karma and influences a person’s life and relationships. According to this belief, Pitru Dosha occurs when there are afflictions or imbalances related to the ancestral lineage in an individual’s birth chart (horoscope).

Here are some key points to understand Pitru Dosha:

Ancestral Karma: In Vedic astrology, it is believed that the actions and karma of our ancestors can have an impact on our present lives. Pitru Dosha is thought to be a result of unresolved issues or negative karma from the ancestors.

Causes of Pitru Dosha: Pitru Dosha can be caused by various factors in an individual’s birth chart, including the placement of malefic planets (e.g., Rahu, Ketu, Saturn) in specific houses, aspects, or conjunctions that affect the houses associated with ancestors.

Effects of Pitru Dosha: It is believed that Pitru Dosha can manifest in various aspects of an individual’s life, including family problems, health issues, financial challenges, and obstacles in personal and professional life.

Remedies: Many individuals who believe they have Pitru Dosha seek remedies or rituals to appease their ancestors and mitigate the effects. Common remedies may include performing ancestral rituals (shraddha), visiting pilgrimage sites, offering food to the poor, and chanting specific mantras.

Consulting an Astrologer: To determine the presence and severity of Pitru Dosha in a birth chart and to recommend suitable remedies, individuals often consult with experienced Vedic astrologers who specialize in this area.

It’s important to note that the belief in Pitru Dosha is rooted in Vedic astrology and Hindu spirituality. Not all astrologers and individuals adhere to this belief, and interpretations can vary. Some people find comfort and guidance in addressing ancestral karma through Pitru Dosha remedies, while others may approach astrology from different perspectives or traditions.

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