
Characteristics and Personality of Kanya Rashi

In the Hindu Zodiac, the 6th sign is KANYA(VIRGO). They are open to helping others. This sign is made up of the last three Charnas of Uttara Phalguni, hasta, and the first two Charnas of Chitra nakshatras.


They have a pale skin complexion, a high forehead, beautiful eyes, and a sensitive mouth. They are mostly Extroverts but still can make friends very easily.


They have a special ability to sense the prejudiced motives of people, they are observant, patient, sensible, studious, soft-spoken, and logical. They do not reveal their secrets. Travel is their favorite passion. They seldom lose their temper. Lottery, speculation is their taste.


Kanya individuals make an excellent Lover. They are loyal to their partners and Love to live on the wild side once in a while. They are very protective of their mate, family, and loved ones.


They are very health conscious seldom fall sick. They are victims of Stomach and Allergy of skin ailments.


Kanya rashi people are hard – working. They should choose professions that have growth. A profession in Maths, Physics, Finance, Engineering, Medical, Investment and Stock Market is a good career choice.


Kanya Rashi people believe in friends too much which ultimately leaves them in trouble. They thought that everybody views as same as their view. They are the perfectionist.
